1. Your Special Special Card has insufficient funds.

When’s the last time you checked the balance in your checking account? If there’s not enough money in the account to cover the purchase, the card will be declined. Also be sure to check that surcharges don't cause the value of the transaction to go over the value available on the card, as this will then cause a decline.

2. You’re entering the wrong personal identification (PIN) number.

This 4-digit number is an added layer of security. It’s meant to ensure the person who owns the checking account is using the card to withdraw cash or make a purchase. If you don’t use your Special Special Card very often, you may not remember the PIN number, and the card will be declined.

3. The card type is not accepted.

Despite Special working with hundreds and even thousands of merchants, not every single merchant will accept Special Special Cards. Special Cards usage are prohibited within merchants selling pornography or illicit substances.

4. Your card was flagged for suspicious activity.

Special  may simply be trying to protect you by declining the card. If you’re trying to make an international purchase, or spend large amounts of money, your card could be flagged.

5. Your card is expired.

Special Special Cards have no expiry, however, for our branded Special Special Cards, it is important to check the brand T&Cs for the expiry date.

6. The purchase exceeded the value on the Special Card

It is important to ensure that when purchasing in-store, surcharges on the card don’t cause the total value amount to exceed the amount on the Special Special Card, as this will cause a decline.